Module 5: Responsible and Ethical Data



For this module, we are going to take a deep dive into the ethics of data. One of the key readings we will do in the module is a book called Data Feminism.  This book is available online for free from MIT Press or you can purchase it or even download it chapter by chapter.  I chose to simply download it chapter by chapter and then combined it all into one pdf for easy reading. 

This book focuses on examining the ethics of data used for AI & data science through a feminist and intersectional viewpoint.  They examine biases in data collection (and also biases in not collecting certain data) and well as many other issues with data.   

At the end of the module, we will revisit the AI ethics we have proposed for the Earth Sciences and see if we need to modify any of them with our new understanding of data.


Cover of Data Feminism Book

Cover image from Data Feminism book