Module 5: Responsible and Ethical Data

Collect Data Responsibly and Ethically

Ensuring that data is collected responsibly and ethically

There are good ways to collect data and bad ways to collect data! Some of that we are learning about in the book we are reading.  What we will do in this topic is read about the ways in which people have not always done this well recently and efforts to address this.  Then we will work on case studies and discuss those in class. This will all be paired with readings from the Data Feminism book.

Assignment 1

For this assignment, your job is to look through the news and find examples of ways in which data has been collected ethically and responsibly or NOT (more likely to find the NOT in the news).  I have three examples below, which you should read.

Post whatever article you find to the #general channel and we can discuss them in class!


Assignment 2

For the rest of the assignments in this topic, we are going to read case studies from The full case study list is here. For this assignment, go to the linked page and read the case studies for the following two studies.

  • “Cutting Corners on Redistricting”
  • “Environmental Justice Web Map”


Assignment 3

We will continue with case studies from For this assignment, go to the linked page and read the case studies for the following two studies.

  • “Flood Insurance Mapping “
  • “Mapping Muslim Neighborhoods”


Assignment 4

We will continue with case studies from For this assignment, go to the linked page and read the case studies for the following two studies.

  • “Privacy and Planning “
  • “Tracking Mobile Phones in Mobility Research “