Weekly Announcements
Week 1 (Jan 16 – 21)
This is a quick email to welcome everyone to Ethical AI for the Earth Sciences for Spring 2024. The course will be in person but I have put all of our reading assignments online at https://aiethics-spring2024.ai2es.org/
Since OU closed for Tuesday, we will not have our usual first day of class on Tuesday. An extra complication is that I came down with COVID last week and am not sure if I will be testing negative by Thursday. For right now, I’m going to assume I’ll be better and class will proceed as scheduled.
I did have some very small assignments scheduled to be due Wednesday – basically exploring the class website and reading the syllabus and code of conduct and creating your slack account. I’m going to leave deadlines the same for now since they are very simple assignments! Assuming I’m healthy by Thursday, we will jam a short “syllabus day” into the start of class and jump into discussions. The only thing that isn’t done on canvas or the website yet are the writing assignments and the project details. I had intended to have those done before I published class but covid has been making me sleep a lot. I’ll work on them over the next few days!
-Dr McGovern