Module 4: Interdisciplinary and Convergent Teams


Co-development and Co-production

For this topic, we are continuing to focus on interdisciplinary teams but focusing on a specific effective way to work together and co-create knowledge.  This is variously known as co-production and co-development, depending on who is writing about it. Why does co-production matter? We want to hear from all the voices in a group as their ideas and knowledge matter and make a difference to the final outcome! For this class, we are focusing on ethical and responsible AI as the final outcome but any interdisciplinary team that is working together effectively needs to have everyone participating in the process.

Assignment 1: Reading about co-production

Read about team science and co-production

Read a fun and short article about how to best collaborate between Earth scientists and data scientists

Read the following two articles about incorporating knowledge from different groups

Optional reading: I found some good examples for Earth Science.  Two of these are just websites but they discuss co-production so you can examine them quickly.  The final one is a paper that discusses theory of how effective co-production works.