Module 6: AI Policies and Laws
Policy and Law Worldwide
Worldwide policy and law
This module is going to be hot off the presses as the EU just passed their AI act, the first of its kind legislation worldwide. We will dive into this legislation for our first discussion on policy.
Assignment 1
We will start by reading all about the AI act from the official EU website
- This EU webpage describes the AI act generally
- You should do LOTS of exploring from that page but here are some relevant links to be sure to read:
Optional extra readings
- MIT Technology review has a quick summary titled “The AI Act is done. Here’s what will (and won’t) change”
- They also link to a summary “Five things you need to know about the EU’s new AI Act“
- The Future of Life institute is also running a webpage focused on the AI act
Assignment 2
For our second assignment looking at world policies on AI, we will look at the new UN resolution on AI
- Read about the new UN Resolution on AI
- This is the official link for the resolution itself (you get to choose your language from this link)
Then we will also read the Brookings Institute report that analyzes AI strategies across the world. While this does not include the latest AI act specifically as it is from last year, it is an interesting meta analysis of how the different countries are addressing the need for AI legislation.